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You’ve worked hard for the right to wear those sleeveless tops.  Summers almost over. Isn’t it time to rest on your laurels/well-sculpted arms, already?

I mean, you’ve been working out, making the most of Colorado’s great outdoors and having fun doing it.  But you’ll notice that things are changing.  The weathers starting to turn, the days are getting shorter and so is your motivation to workout and stay in shape.

But why are we even talking about Halloween… in August?!

Here’s why.  Put these two thoughts in mind and let them simmer briefly before dipping a ladle in to taste your thoughts.

  1. How did I feel about myself between October and December last year?  Guilty?  Panicked that my ugly sweaters weren’t fitting?
  2. What could I do now to make sure that I actually feel less stressed this time around?

Thinking about what’s coming next can sometimes be a

great motivator/stimulus to start putting a plan together.

Right now it’s mid August.  You’ve got 8 weeks before you’re gearing up for Halloween.  Halloween night means one of two things to most people:
  1. Getting into a fun outfit so you can hit the the town and wonder if ‘black leather wearing sexy vampire’ will ever go out of style as the costume of choice.
  2. Stay indoors, hand out candy and wonder whether all those kids really do live in your neighborhood.

“Kid, I’ll give you all the candy right now if you’ll just take off the scary Paula Deen mask”

Either way, the next week you’re going to wish you were in better shape, either from ‘catwoman envy’ or from the  ‘I ate all the chocolate those dern kids didn’t take’ phenomenon that occurs every year.

So, what do you do about it?

Start the ‘getting in shape’ process right now.

Here’s 4 reasons why you want to start the process now and not after your third helping of tootsie rolls that you stuff in your mouth while waiting at the door for the junior avengers to come a’knocking.

  1. In 8 weeks you will have enough change that you’ll be motivated to keep it.
  2. between now and the week before October 31st you won’t have to avoid candy donations that magically appear on your desk the week after All Hallows Eve.
  3. Last year you freaked out in November because you didn’t watch yourself through this 8 week period.
  4. It’ll help you find something fresh and new since you’re already getting bored of your regular summer workouts

No matter what you do, start looking for the next thing now.  Maybe it’s recommitting to some goals and trying some new workouts at the place you workout already, maybe it’s switching it up with your eating plan but keeping the workouts the same.

Either way, refocus, recommit and refresh your mindset for the next 8 weeks.

So when November 1st rolls around you’ll be able to go to work and say ‘no’ to the candy monsters… you’ll be able to sympathize with the co-workers that are now freaking out about their growing waistlines, and you’ll be able to feel good about those pics on facebook of you dressed up as a nurse (because black spandex is sooo last season, right?).


Your attention please. We have a black patent leather catwoman suit in lost & found. The suit does have a nametag on the inside… that says ‘property of the 90’s’


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