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If you ever wondered what the benefits might be for changing up your workout, this video featuring Dr Roy Sugarman – an internationally recognized neuroscientist who talks about switching up your workouts at an extreme level to keep building your ‘brain muscles’.  How indepth is his knowledge?  He’s gone through about 20,000 articles in the last year.  No joke.

As a personal trainer, I often talk to people about working out in variety – this video gets a bit technical, but it’s worth sticking with it to hear some science on your workout and your brain that you won’t hear anywhere else.

Particularly interesting is what Roy Sugarman says at 01:22, which is that the brain ‘hates routine’.  What does that mean to us?  Well, it means that doing an exercise or a workout where the body is guessing means that the brain is working.


Want a better brain to go with your better workout?  Now you know what it takes.

yours in better health,

Jamie Atlas

PS Thanks to PTA Global and Rodney Corn for creating such an awesome post!  Bringing the real brain knowledge combined with real workout science!

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