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For your reading pleasure, here are my top 3 viewed articles and my personal favorite article I (Jamie Atlas, Denver Personal Trainer and all-around good guy) have written to date:

Top 3 viewed articles:

Abs of Steel hidden by Slabs of Fat (23,773)

The highest viewed article (23,773 hits) is about the awful truth that sit ups alone have very little to do with six pack abs

sit ups do NOT equal six-pack abs

Shape, Lift and Tighten the Butt with this Patented Move

Secondly, this one went through the roof like a rocket (10,257 hits) – it gives an exact outline and explanation of how to get the perfect butt by doing the perfect lunge.

How To Get the Perfect Butt – the ONLY exercise you need work your glutes like never before

Dara Torres (9,008 hits)

This one is about Dara Torres – not my best work, but interesting insights into what it takes to become an Olympic champion past age 40!

If she ever came to Denver it would be interesting to see what the altitude would do to her.

Training Secrets of Olympian Dara Torres

The Devil really does wear Prada (3,321)

And my favorite article?   It is a rant on a favorite topic of mine, High Heels.  As a personal trainer, I see many people with bad feet – high heels can be connected to a serious of dysfunctions.

With only a paltry 3,321 hits, I guess it isn’t as popular as some of my other posts.

Now if you REALLY want to get me ranting and get my personal trainer blood boiling, get me talking about the bathroom scale!

So thanks to all for coming back to read, thanks for stumbling upon my blog and if you know of someone (or any newspaper editors – that might be fun!) you think could do with a little ‘fitness insights’ from your new favorite personal trainer or if you know of anyone who lives in the Denver area, please feel free to forward them any articles you think are of interest.

By the way, this blogsite just passed 130,000 hits:

130,000 Hits…  Staggering to think of the number of late nights I have spent wishing for a USB plug to download my thoughts straight into the blog and save me all this dern typing!

Coming up to this milestone is something I really wasn’t ready for… I mean i have been so busy working my butt off as a personal trainer, I didn’t have anything prepared, yet here I am at 130,046 hits and the big 130K has just passed me right by. Is there an awards ceremony I get to attend?  Maybe I should have my own here in Denver.  Want to come help me celebrate?! 🙂

I wonder who it was that was responsible for the 130,000th hit?  I like to imagine he or she would get a special welcome message, a thank you, maybe a ride on a fire truck around the city square… but, likely they clicked through and continued on their happy life, blissfully unaware of the happiness they have given me.

Is 120K worth of hits good?  I’m not sure.  I don’t feel any different…  No superhuman powers, no anticipation of some guy coming to my door with a novelty oversized check, no …wait, I have a strange tingling sensation… oh no… no, it’s gone.  Might be the dodgy Mexican food I had for lunch.

If you have been one of those 130,000 hits, then thank you. Thanks for helping me believe that these thoughts could be of value to someone out there.

I do my best to make every post about topics or information that isn’t common knowledge.  I at least hope this to be a resource for those of us out there that are sick of the conventional fitness magazines and other recycled diet-pill mumbo jumbo.

If this blog has helped just one person get a more in depth understanding of what the whole health and fitness thing is really about, then my job here is done 🙂

Thanks so much to you all – now, to get focused for the next 130,000!

Thanks for listening to a personal trainer who refused to stop asking questions.

Yours in health,

Jamie Atlas

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  • Fit Bottomed Girls Oct 20, 2008 Reply


  • blackberrykiss Nov 5, 2008 Reply

    actually, to tell you the truth- that bathroom scale article is the most useful, informative and amazing post ever. thank you for it. i viewed it the most, probably accounting for a lot of those 321 hits. haha.

  • jamieatlas Nov 15, 2008 Reply

    Well thank y’ kindly, BlackberryKiss! 321 hits you say? So that means there IS someone else reading this blog other than my mum! Hooray!!!

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